13 May 2018

Vegan Chocolate Cooking

I received this Vegan Chocolate Cooking ebook to review. The product WAS available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H54UR4C, but it appears to have been removed from Amazon for unknown reasons.

Another recipe book by the sanctimonious vegan. Look, I get it, and the author is right: veganism is better for the environment and animals, and even the people eating the vegan diet but is the introduction to a vegan cookbook really the place to try and recruit vegans? First of all, most people who are buying this book (or were buying it, I should say, as it is no longer available) are already vegan or vegetarians. What I'm saying is, stop preaching to the choir. Second, most meat eaters actually do know where meat comes from and they're okay with it, so the attempts to convert them with complaints about the animals dying isn't going to work. Seriously, this author has (or had) a lot of vegan cookbooks on Amazon, though there are only two left now for some weird reason, and all of them I've read so far include a spiel trying to convert meat eaters in the introduction to the book. It's really annoying.

Okay, anyway, on to the book itself. It's a book of chocolate recipes that are vegan friendly. And this time, they actually ARE vegan! No more honey. Well, that's not completely true, one recipe does say that you can use honey if you want, but a little improvement is still an improvement, right? Some of the recipes do look pretty good. Although I'm not sure how much that matters as you can no longer get the book. I am very curious as to what happened that this book and many others from this author (and publisher) seem to have vanished from Amazon. Are they going to be made available again or are they gone forever? I guess only time will tell. Well, if it does ever come back I think it's an okay book, but I wouldn't pay more than $0.99 for it as that's all it's worth in my opinion.


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