09 May 2018

Forex Trading ebook

I recieved a free copy of this ebook Forex Trading to review.

I'm a bit of a financial planning buff. I read a lot of trade publications that relate to the finance field, at the personal and business levels. I'm really into finances and making sure that my family is set for the future. My interest in investing started during childhood when we first got cable and I started watching CSPAN on mute with my sisster for the stock market ticker that scrolled accross the bottom of the screen. It was a daily activity for us, we were always watching the stock ticker and noting the trends. At the time I didn't realize how vast the market really was and the concept of foreign exchange to me meant kids spending a school year abroad. As I got older I honed my fiscal savvy and learned about FOREX and it opened up a whole new world of financial potential. A lot of my family and friends ask me for financial advise because they see me constantly reading about finances and checking my accounts. I am not a professional, but I have a pretty good working knowledge of the market, including FOREX, and I think this book is a great starter for beginning investers who are looking to see what options are out there. It's not a very long book, but it does a good job of breaking down and explaining FOREX.


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