17 May 2018

Israel - Island of Success

I received a free copy of the ebook Israel - Island of Success toreview.

This is an intriguing book about Israel and how Israel has managed to succeed despite difficulties and setbacks. Of course, this book is written form a pro-Israel perspective so it ignores the skeletons in Israel's closet, such as the brutal murder of Palestinian civilians (children included) and British and American soldiers by the immigrants who came to Palestine in the 1940s and 1950s to found the nation of Israel. It was actually really difficult for me to read this book considering the current state of affairs in Israel and Gaza. But, I digress. I did my best to read this book with an open mind and a neutral opinion. The authors give their opinion as to how and why Israel has managed to succeed and thrive thus far against all the odds. According to the authors Israel's success comes down to the optimism of its people. I think that's a little naive. I'm sure the stubborn optimism of Israelis is partly responsible for Israel's continued growth and success, but let's be honest here, foreign aide had a lot to do with Israel getting to where it is now and continues to have a lot to do with keeping Israel on its path toward future greatness.

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