03 May 2018

Emotional Intelligence

I received a free copy of the ebook Emotional Intelligence to review.

This book is a really basic read about emotional intelligence, most often referred to as EQ. The book seems to mostly just state how EQ is far more important in life than IQ and that only people with a high EQ, reguardless of IQ, are capable of being truly successful in live. In other words, the author is very short sighted and narrow minded. There are different kinds of intelligence, that is certain, and they all matter in how well you will do in life. But to say that one is more important than the others is foolish. It is not one single factor that determines one's success in life, not one single trait. It is a combination of all of these types of intelligence, all of the individual traits, that come together to determine whether or not one is able to acheive success in life. The book not only expresses a very narrow-minded view, it is also full of grammatical errors. I would not recommend it, instead those interested in EQ should invest in a book by someone who does research in the field of neuroscience.

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