08 May 2018

Super Easy Baby Food Cookbook

I received a free copy of the ebook Super Easy Baby Food Cookbook to review.

With both my pregnancies I planned on making my own baby food, but it didn't work out quite as I planned. I did make some of their food but I also bought some, and that's completely okay. Nobody should ever be shamed for using pre-made baby foods nor should anyone be pressured into making baby food at home. That said if you want to make your own baby food this books does have some pretty good info in it. I think recipes are pretty pointless when making baby food, after all, it's basically just mushing fruits and veggies. However, this book is an okay book because it gives suggestions of food combos and other info and advice about feeding babies and toddlers. One thing that really annoyed me about this book is the author's ignorance on organic food. The author claims that organic foods are grown without pesticides or fertilizers, which is false, they simply use different kinds of fertilizer and pesticide. The author also claims that organic food is more nutritious which is completely false and proven false. It is a blatant lie used to try and pressure poor people into throwing all their money away on food because it has the word organic on it.

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