06 May 2018

Off Grid Solar

I recieved a free copy of the book Off Grid Solar to review.

I love the idea of my own, personal solar grid to lower my electric bill. If it was up to me, I would have solar panels set up already-I even know where I would put them and how many. So I figured that a book about building a solar grid would be useful in convincing my husband that I'm right. Well, this book is a nice, albeit very basic, introduction to setting up your own solar panel grid to power your home. It is definitely a beginner level book, as it's mostly just basic information about the benefits of adding solar to your home power grid. I don't think there's enough info in it to convince anyone to add solar panels, nor is there enough info to help someone set up a solar grid. What this book is, in my opinion, is a basic, entry-level book to explain the components of a solar grid. It's not bad, but if you've already decided solar is for you and are looking for help actually building your own grid, this is not the book for you. However, if you're just now looking into the idea of solar panels for your home, this book might be helpful to you. But only buy if it's on sale, the price is quite steep for such a short book.


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