10 May 2018

100% Pure Forskolin Diet Pills

I received this 100% Pure Forskolin Diet Pills to review.

I like to know the science behind how and why products work. Forskolin is marketed as a diet pill, which immediately makes me skeptical. No diet pill has ever been shown to work in the past, so why would this one be any different? So I looked into the science behind Forskolin and, as I had expected, the results weren't promising. Forskolin has been shown to be ineffective as a weight loss drug. So this is a supplement marketed for weight loss that doesn't actually help people lose weight, what a complete waste of money, right? Well, maybe not, because the same studies that show that Forskolin doesn't cause weight loss also shows that it does boost testosterone and, by association, improve muscle mass. So you won't lose any weight, but you will lose fat and gain muscle. More muscle means higher basal metabolic rate (BMR). Higher BMR means faster calorie burn while at rest, which leads to weight loss. So, while it won't actually cause a direct or immediate weight loss it may cause a minor weight loss over the long term. Forskolin has also shown some benefit in reducing asthma and increasing bone mass, though more studies will need to be done to confirm those results. I spoke to my doctor about this supplement and was advised against using it because of the lack of studies showing the safety and efficacy of the pill. So, would I buy it? No, not until more research has been done. I don't recommend this product because it hasn't been tested well enough or shown to be effective. If you do wish to try this product make sure to speak with your primary care provider first to ensure there are no contraindications that make this supplement dangerous for you.

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