I love all forms of science, and that includes astronomy. Now, I'm not a hardcore astronomy buff. I live just about an hours drive from the totality zone of the total solar eclipse of August 2017 and I had zero interest in traveling to view it. Honestly, eclipses in general aren't that interesting to me. Nor are meteor showers. Basically, any meteorological phenomenon that occur regularly bore me. I'm more interested in other aspects of science, but I do want to teach my kids about all aspect of science including astronomy. So I always look for new and fun ways to teach them how fun science can be. And what better way than a light up moon? I'm actually trying to figure out how to hang this moon lamp from the ceiling. This moon lamp is really cool. It doesn't put out a huge amount of light, but it is suitable as a night light for kiddos who are afraid of the dark. It comes with a remote to change the color or cycle it through the different colors. You can also adjust the brightness on it. It's a really cool little lamp. I really like that the lamp has a textured surface to resemble the moon better. I think everyone should get one of these lamps.
This moon lamp is so cool, every household should have at least one! Get yours at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DAK2L5X1T5YZSV&field-keywords=moon+lamp
This moon lamp is so cool, every household should have at least one! Get yours at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DAK2L5X1T5YZSV&field-keywords=moon+lamp