20 July 2018

Thank You Cards

I got these two sets of thank you cards because we sometimes have the need for sending out thank you cards, as most adults do, and they are all really expensive at the store. I will write a seperate paragraph for each set.

First we'll talk about this nice floral set:

These cards come as a set of twenty cards with brown envelopes and floral stickers. The images on these cards are nice, simple, and very pretty. The images are nicely balanced. I'm not really a fan of the font used, but it is really easy to read which is always a plus. Nothing worse than poor font or kerning selection on a card sending unintended messages to the recipients. The cardstock used is high quality and pretty sturdy. It's also easy to write on with a standard pen or pencil. The envelopes are thick and adequately big enough to fit the cards in with no trouble. The included stickers have good adhesive and stick well. If you like these floral thank you cars, you can get them at https://www.amazon.com/Floral-Thank-Cards-Envelopes-Folded/dp/B07D758PD5?pd_rd_wg=RD9hr&pd_rd_r=3e6e29a8-735b-42d0-a2c3-02a0590f4252&pd_rd_w=sG399&ref_=pd_gw_simh&pf_rd_r=NESC6WPMHBBBM5VBYYDE&pf_rd_p=b841581f-e864-5164-afa6-4c18a8348879.

Next, we'll talk about this set of assorted thank you cards:

There are six separate design in this set, as you can see. The designs feature flowers and feathers. My favorite design out of these is the one on the top right, though they are all pretty nice. THe fonts are okay, but not the best in my opinion. Some of the cards the font is nearly unreadable to me. The cardstock used for these cards isn't as good as the other cards. The envelopes included with this set are white and a bit small, they are larger than the cards but it is difficult to slide the cards in without damaging the edges of them. The stickers are nice quality and stick just fine. If you like this set you can get them at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C25WRSS.

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