27 July 2018

Quanfun Phone Belt

I've been trying to get back in shape again lately, so I'm on the lookout for any kind of gear that will help me in my journey. My knee injured, which makes it hard for me to run sometimes, but I'm hoping to get into physical therapy and get my knee better so I can start running again. I used to do a lot of running when I was younger, before I hurt my knee I would sometimes run 10 miles in the mornings. I used to really love to run, but then I injured my knee again and again and eventually it was so bad I couldn't run anymore. I was supposed to get physical therapy back then but it hurt so I decided, in all of my youthful wisdom, that I would stop going to physical therapy. I figured, my knee would get better on its own if I just left it be for a while. I was wrong. But anyway, back to the topic at hand. This belt comes with an extender for people who need a little more room in the belt, though the belt itself is pretty large. The belt has a pouch with a clear front for holding your cell phone so you can see it without removing it, and there is a little hole for earbud wires in case you're one of those weird people who doesn't use wireless earbuds/earphones. There's plenty of room in the pouch for other necessities like keys or cash.

Great for runners or anyone with no pockets. Get one at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N23P91R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_dp_psUlBbDQB1ED7

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