28 July 2018

Public Speaking: Persuade And Influence Any Audience

Get this book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009RKJP46

I am terrible at public speaking, I always have been. Some of my worst memories are of times in school when I had to give speeches in front of my class, and that was only ten people! The thought of speaking in front of any group larger than that? Not a chance. When I speak in front of a crowd I talk way to fast but it feels like I'm talking to slow. I stutter a lot, and I start feeling dizzy and I sweat a lot. It's a full on anxiety attack. I'm so bad at public speaking that if I'm in a room with more than two other people I will just stand silently and let the other people do all the talking. So I figured a book on public speaking would be great for me. Maybe this book would help me get over my fear of public speaking. It certainly couldn't hurt, anyway, right? So I read the book and I guess some of the tips might be good for people who are not necessarily afraid of public speaking, but more stuggling with a particular debate. This book will not help people who have a fear of public speaking at all. I honestly don't recommend this book for people looking for help with public speaking. It might be beneficial to people who are trying to get a leg up on a public debate, but even there it would be questionable and there are definately better books out there about debate.

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