17 July 2018

Seed Starter Trays Review

Biodegradable organic seed starting trays. I love using these to start my vegetable and herb seeds because you can just cut them apart and plant the whole thing. Each try has 6 slots for planting. It's a lot less of a hassle when they get ready to be planted. You do need to remember to have a tray under them when you water or you will do what I do every now and then and get water all over the table. I have not used these ones yet but as soon as I get my greenhouse done I will be using these to start the herbs and vegetable's that I want to have year around. I will be getting some more of these as I have a whole lot of thing I plan to grow year around like tomato's, cucumber's, lettuce, basil, dill, thyme, and all those other vegetable garden necessity's. These are especially good for people living in a small space that do not have the room for a bunch of little pots. I do recommend these to any gardener that gets tired of trying to dig delicate seedlings out of tiny plastic pots. Get your own at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DA2ZEFN5I7CJGEQ&field-keywords=Peat+Pots

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