04 July 2018

Handmade Candies ebook review

I received a free copy of the ebook Handmade Candies to review. https://www.amazon.com/Handmade-Candies-Adi-Endevelt-ebook/dp/B074W9NJSB

This ebook is written in the same style as the ebook Handmade Chocolates that I previously reviewed. There are some good recipes in here, though most are pretty simple. There methods for making some candies are not anything I've heard of before, but they do work. I have a different way for making things like fudge and toffee which I prefer. The recipes in the book are okay, but I still prefer my tried and true recipes. I do like that, unlike the chocolate recipe book mentioned previously, this one doesn't mix units of measurements. There is also a convertsion chart at the beginning of the book, which can be helpful.

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