19 July 2018

Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine & Ginger

This pill is a capsule of turmeric and ginger. It is intended to be used as a "natural" alternative to NSAIDs. As to whether it actually does any good, I'm not sure. There is some preliminary evidence that Curcumin may help with inflammation, but not enough to throw out your NSAIDs quite yet. It is pretty much a harmless supplement, as long as you have no underlying health problems, because it is basically just a blend of common spices you probably have in your kitchen and use at least occasionally. It combines two delicious spices, ginger and the obvious-turmeric, which makes for a nice smell. I am very tempted to pop open one of these capsules and sprinkle it on some veggies and roast them. It would be so perfectly delicious! I really love turmeric, it is my favorite spice. I put it on everything. Well, almost everything. But, unfortunately, my husband doesn't like turmeric so I can't always use it in my cooking reguardless of the health benefits. So these capsules will be a good way for me to get my daily supply of turmeric.

Check them out at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DA1DVCIXIAWNITP&field-keywords=TURMERIC and always speak to your doctor before trying any supplements.

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