08 August 2018

Cut Resistant Gloves

I have some pretty bad knife skills, I always seem to cut myself when using a knife and I use a knife multiple times per day when prepping meals and snacks. Okay, so not quite EVERY time but still I basically have cuts and scrapes on my hands in varying stages of healing most of the time. So some cut-resistant gloves seemed like a great item for me. I realize they don't completely prevent cuts, but they do seem to decrease the frequency of my hand slicing. I have trouble remembering to put these on before I start cutting things because it's just not a thing I've ever done so it may be a while before I actually remember the wear these regularly. That said, when I have them on I don't seem to get any cuts. I do find it odd that these come as a set of two gloves, because you really only need to use one since only one hand should be at risk of getting cut during most knife weilding activities, but I also understand that it would be weird to by a single glove.

If you're clumsy and lack knife skills like me get yourself a set of these at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DA3ONK7NDYZG5Z1&field-keywords=cutting+gloves+cut+resistant+gloves

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