19 October 2018

Tibetan Singing Bowl Set

Tibetan singing bowls are a great meditation tool and they're also a fun little instrument to play around with. They sound really nice and the sound lasts for a while as it slowly fades out in a nice, soothing manner. I don't do a lot of meditation because I get bored and distracted so it's hard to focus and my mind always wanders. Everyone says that having a mantra can help, but for me it really doesn't work. This bowl does help me keep focused though, because the sound is nice and soothing and very easy to focus on allowing me, and maybe other easily distractable people, to easily hone in on it and remain focused on the sounds. It's also a pretty and interesting piece of decor for your home, so there's no need to try and find somewhere to store it when not in use.

Very nice singing bowl set. Get one here https://www.amazon.com/TANTRA-SOUNDS-Tibetan-Singing-Bowl-Set/dp/B074H9M63J/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1537447192&sr=8-1&keywords=tantra+sound+bowl&dpID=51zUnmjJxJL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

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