29 July 2018

Mind-glowing 3D Moon Lamp

I love all forms of science, and that includes astronomy. Now, I'm not a hardcore astronomy buff. I live just about an hours drive from the totality zone of the total solar eclipse of August 2017 and I had zero interest in traveling to view it. Honestly, eclipses in general aren't that interesting to me. Nor are meteor showers. Basically, any meteorological phenomenon that occur regularly bore me. I'm more interested in other aspects of science, but I do want to teach my kids about all aspect of science including astronomy. So I always look for new and fun ways to teach them how fun science can be. And what better way than a light up moon? I'm actually trying to figure out how to hang this moon lamp from the ceiling. This moon lamp is really cool. It doesn't put out a huge amount of light, but it is suitable as a night light for kiddos who are afraid of the dark. It comes with a remote to change the color or cycle it through the different colors. You can also adjust the brightness on it. It's a really cool little lamp. I really like that the lamp has a textured surface to resemble the moon better. I think everyone should get one of these lamps.

This moon lamp is so cool, every household should have at least one! Get yours at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DAK2L5X1T5YZSV&field-keywords=moon+lamp

Fireproof Bag

I have a few important documents in my home, not a lot, but a few. I'm not talking about things like car titles and birth certificates that can be easily replaced. I'm talking about things like birth records from the hospital, you know those fancy birth certificates that you get one of and there is no way to get another, or the fancy copy of our marriage license meant for our records, or the artwork done by my kids. Those kind of important documents, the kind that can't be replaced and that I would be really sad to lose. We don't really ahve anywhere to put a fireproof safe, but we do have plenty of room to put a small fireproof bag or two. This bag isn't huge, but it will hold quite a bit of stuff if you do it right. I thought about trying to light this on fire just to see how well it would hold up, but I decided against it because of the current weather and fire danger levels. Perhaps later, when it rains again and the wind dies down I will try to set this bag ablaze to see just how fireproof it really is.

This #fireproof bag is great for keeping important documents safe. Get one at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C69YDYW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_dp_V6IkBb0FAHSC0

Plantar Fasciitis Compression Socks

I have a problem with frequent foot pain in the arches of my feet. It's been a problem for me since I was a very young child and it has gotten worse as I've gotten older. The pain isn't unbearable, but at times it is pretty bad. It also isn't a constant pain or even really a regular pain, it's a sometimes pain with no apparent cause. The pain comes and goes at random with no warning. I have tried a few different kinds of compression socks but they haven't really done me any good at all. So I really didn't have high hopes for these, but I decided to give them a try because why not, right? So, I went ahead and got these socks to give them a try. So I decided to just go ahead and wear these sock whenever I'm at home to see if they would do any good instead of waiting for the pain to start before using them. Well, I must say that while wearing these socks I didn't experience any pain whatsoever. Now, as I stated previously, I don't have constant foot pain or even frequent foot pain, really, so it is in fact quite possible that I simply wasn't going to experience any foot pain during the time I was trying these socks out. I do think the socks have helped though, and I would recommend giving them a try if you have foot pain.

These seem to help with my foot pain. Get your own at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CCLW94Q/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1530535561&sr=1-4&keywords=Plantar+Fasciitis&m=A2VVD2E9KY8XKA

VenusCare Neck Support Pillow

After my husband's accident at work back in March, he has been having neck pain, a common side effect of being in a car accident. The orthopedic surgeon and physical therapists recommended traction for him to help ease the neck pain as it worked in the office. So when I was given the chance to test this travel neck pillow I thought I would give it a try, as it looked like it may work for the kind of mild neck traction he needs. The intended use of this pillow is to provide head and neck support when traveling, such as in a plane or on a train. For that, I think it would work quite well. But since we planned to use it not for travel but as neck traction at home, we wanted to check with the doctors to see if it would be suitable. We actually haven't been back to see the orthopedic surgeon since receiving the pillow, however we did show it to the physical therapist and ask ifthey thought it would do any good, and they said that if it helped to relief the pain it is completely safe to use for neck traction so that is what we have been doing. It has been working quite well.

This is a great travel pillow that also works for providing mild traction. Get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076WRW5YV

Natural Mulberry Silk Sleep Mask

I have an autistic ten-year-old son, Zachary. He cannot sleep if there is even a glimmer of light in his room, and it is really hard to keep all the light out of a room. So I have been trying to find a nice sleep mask that he is willing to wear, which in itself is a pretty difficult goal. Like many autistic kids, Zachary has some sensory issues and while he is more sensory seeking, he still has trouble with certain things touching him, especially things touching his face. However, he does like silk. He has taken many of my shirts because they are silk or feel similar to silk, because he likes the feeling of silk. So I figured perhaps this sleep mask would help him, as it is made of silk so he will at least like the texture. I have tried other silk sleep masks for him, but none worked for him. This one might work, though. He seems less bothered by this one. He will actually keep it on, though only for a very short period of time, but that's still a start. I will continue to try getting Zach to wear this sleep mask.

Soft and silky sleep mask great for travel! Get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074X4KPHZ

INNX Waterproof Quilted Dog Seat Cover

I actually got this for my sister, but she hasn't had a chance to come pick it up yet because not only is it harvest season, but the entire Pacific Northwest is on fire which makes travel a bit difficult. Seriously, there are a LOT of fires going on right now. But anyway, back to the topic at hand. This seat cover is for putting in the backseat of your car so you can transport your dog without having to worry about your car seats getting filthy or torn up. This seat cover is really easy to set up, you just tuck some anchors into the seats and clip the straps around the headrests and you're good to go! I do think this seat cover would work great for keeping doggos contained and car seats safe during a short commute. My dog rides in the back in a dog crate so I don't need something like this. Plus, I have kids who ride in the back seat so there isn't any room for the dog there. I do think, though, that if you only attached this to the headrests in the backseat and opened the velcro to attach seat belt this could actually be used with children, as well. If you have particularly messy kids it might be helpful. I wouldn't use it with a carseat, though as I worry that the carseat may not be properly secured if this was in the way. But I definitely recommend this for pet owners.

Great seat cover to keep your seats looking clean when traveling with pooches. Get one at https://amzn.to/2K4bmOE #petseatcover #dogseatcover

Joyal Beauty Organic Vitamin C Cream

I have very sensitive and also very, very dry skin. My skin is so dry and sensitive that even my own sweat burns and causes a rash, it's pretty horrible. So I'm always on the lookout for new products that won't dry out my skin or cause me to have breakouts, rashes, or hives. It's actually pretty hard to find such products, most face care products, and skin care products, in general, are too harsh for my skin. I was honestly worried that this vitamin c cream was going to cause my skin to break out, but I wanted to try it anyway because maybe it wouldn't cause any problem and then I have a new product I can safely use. So I went ahead and started using this stuff cautiously, only using it once during the first week to make sure it wasn't going to cause any issues. After making it through that week without any breakouts I tried using it every other day during the second week and still no breakouts, plus I started noticing my skin getting softer. So on the third and final week of my test I used this cream, I went ahead and used it daily and still, no breakouts! In fact, my skin seems to be not only softer but healthier in general. My own sweat is no longer causing my skin to break out, which is awesome! I recommend this stuff to anyone with sensitive or dry skin.

This stuff is great for moisturizing without irritation. Get some at https://www.amazon.com/Joyal-Beauty-Hydration-Moisturizer-Essential/dp/B01ASF4YNA/ref=keywords=vitamin+c+cream

28 July 2018

Back Lotion Applicator

Hey, check out this cool lotion applicator for your back. It works really well! https://www.facebook.com/SlickSolution/photos/a.298780487222080.1073741826.298780093888786/461958124237648/?type=3&theater #lotionapp

Floofy Drives America Crazy

Get a copy of this book at https://www.amazon.com/Floofy-Drives-America-Crazy-Reichman-ebook/dp/B0772TRJCW

This is less a children's book and more a loosely connected jumble of different ideas and characters. It's like someone took a little kid's second-grade writing assignment, threw it into a paper shredder, pulled out the bits and taped them together randomly to form a "story." The story is about Floofy, who we eventually find out is a small fuzzy dog. The beginning of the book is weird and disjointed, I thought perhaps I had accidentally scrolled to a random page part way through the book, but I hadn't. It really just jumps into it without bothering to try and give readers even the slightest semblance of who the characters are. This seems not like a book for children but instead like a book by children. It's honestly the worst children's book I have ever read. I would recommend staying far, far away from this terrible book. There is really nothing else I can say about this book. Do not buy it. Maybe in its original language it made sense, but translated into English it has become nothing more than word salad.

How to Raise Happy Kids

Get a copy of this book at https://www.amazon.com/Raise-Happy-Kids-Vitaly-Buchatsky-ebook/dp/B072FMMLTH

My children's happiness is one of the most important things to me. More important than my own happiness by a long shot. I truly believe that the three most important things for my children to have are health, happiness, and support. So a book about raising happy kids is right up my alley! There is some good advice in this book but also some not so good advice. I definitely agree with the idea of giving children freedom and independance. I was a free range child myself, and I love the idea of raising my kids with that same level of independance. Obviously that won't work for all children, my oldest, Zachary, is non-verbal autistic and needs constant one to one supervision so he will never be able to be a truly free range child. But I still try to find little tasks that he can do by himself to give him some independence. I also strongly agree with the idea of giving a reason when you say no, but I like to expand beyond that. I insist that any rule that exists for my children have a valid reason, otherwise I don't expect them to follow it. If you don't have a valid reason for a rule to exist that you can explain easily to a child, that rule doesn't have a valid reason to exist. I don't agree that only parents are responsible for the child. There are many other influences in a child's life- teachers, grandparents, friends, cousins, media, and more- and that's not even accounting for kids who are being raised by someone other than their parents.

Public Speaking: Persuade And Influence Any Audience

Get this book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009RKJP46

I am terrible at public speaking, I always have been. Some of my worst memories are of times in school when I had to give speeches in front of my class, and that was only ten people! The thought of speaking in front of any group larger than that? Not a chance. When I speak in front of a crowd I talk way to fast but it feels like I'm talking to slow. I stutter a lot, and I start feeling dizzy and I sweat a lot. It's a full on anxiety attack. I'm so bad at public speaking that if I'm in a room with more than two other people I will just stand silently and let the other people do all the talking. So I figured a book on public speaking would be great for me. Maybe this book would help me get over my fear of public speaking. It certainly couldn't hurt, anyway, right? So I read the book and I guess some of the tips might be good for people who are not necessarily afraid of public speaking, but more stuggling with a particular debate. This book will not help people who have a fear of public speaking at all. I honestly don't recommend this book for people looking for help with public speaking. It might be beneficial to people who are trying to get a leg up on a public debate, but even there it would be questionable and there are definately better books out there about debate.

27 July 2018

Broom Holder

I have a lot of brooms, mops, rakes, etc. in my household. We have brooms for outside and brooms for inside, mops for the kitchen, mops for the bathroom, rakes for the yard, rakes for the garden, and of course dustpans, dusters, and little sweeeper things. Our storage method for them used to be just stuffing them behind doors to keep them out of site. That method wasn't working out to well, though. Anytime we would close a door that was hiding brooms they would scatter like cockroaches all over the place. I had been thinking about getting a broom holder for our house to keep our stuff all together and sorted nicely and out of the way, so I was happy to get a chance to test this one. It works really good. It has five slots for mops, brooms, etc and six hooks for smaller items. It seems to be pretty sturdy, it has held up pretty well so far. If your broom/mop/rake/whatever has a really thin handle it might not stay in the holder very well, but most handles are held just fine.

Great for indoor or outdoor use to organize your mops, brooms, rakes, etc. Get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076CCQ82N

Quanfun Phone Belt

I've been trying to get back in shape again lately, so I'm on the lookout for any kind of gear that will help me in my journey. My knee injured, which makes it hard for me to run sometimes, but I'm hoping to get into physical therapy and get my knee better so I can start running again. I used to do a lot of running when I was younger, before I hurt my knee I would sometimes run 10 miles in the mornings. I used to really love to run, but then I injured my knee again and again and eventually it was so bad I couldn't run anymore. I was supposed to get physical therapy back then but it hurt so I decided, in all of my youthful wisdom, that I would stop going to physical therapy. I figured, my knee would get better on its own if I just left it be for a while. I was wrong. But anyway, back to the topic at hand. This belt comes with an extender for people who need a little more room in the belt, though the belt itself is pretty large. The belt has a pouch with a clear front for holding your cell phone so you can see it without removing it, and there is a little hole for earbud wires in case you're one of those weird people who doesn't use wireless earbuds/earphones. There's plenty of room in the pouch for other necessities like keys or cash.

Great for runners or anyone with no pockets. Get one at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N23P91R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_ep_dp_psUlBbDQB1ED7

RORAIMA Firewood Log Carrier

When you have a wood stove it means bringing a lot of firewood into the house, and with that firewood comes bark, pitch, moss, and bugs. Ick! All that yucky debris means a LOT of vacuuming, all. the. freaking. time! I hate vacuuming, and winter is just so much worse because of all of the additional vacuuming up of wood debris. So I'm always on the lookout for newer and better ways to store my firewood so that it doesn't make a huge, nasty mess in my house. We've been using a little metal log carrier to bring in our firewood which is okay, but not great. It allows so much debris to get on the floor I sometimes just bring wood in one block at a time and put it straight in the stove. I like this new canvas carrier a lot better. It's the middle of summer so I haven't yet had a chance to use it, obviously, but I have tried putting some wood in it and I think it will be great. I like that I can put the firewood in it and fold it around the wood to keep the debris contained. It's also really sturdy and pretty good sized so it will hold a substantial amount of firewood, much more than our metal wood holder.

Perfect for anyone with a wood stove. Get one for your home at https://amzn.to/2uQpKFh #logtotes #logcarrier #roraima

INNX Stretchable Back Seat Dog Barrier

I actually got this for my sister, but with harvest season and all of the fires raging all over the place she hasn't had a chance to come up and get it yet, so I decided to test it out myself in my car with my dog. I hate to say, it was not effective at all in keeping my monster of a dog out of the front seat. Of course, my dog is 70+ pounds of unrelenting puppy-monster, so there is not much that can restrain him. He's very proficient at getting under, over, around, or through most any barricade that he encounters. I do believe that this will work for my sister's dog and cat, though, as they are older, calmer, and lazier. My sister's dog is a real pes when in the car, though, as he doesn't realize how big of a dog he is. He likes to climb from seat to seat and lap to lap and then try to climb into the back window to look (and bark) at all the cars. Her cat is also a pest in the car because she has anxiety when in the car and sometimes she panics and starts jumping all over the place. So, I think this barrier will help her animals. I also think it would work fine with small animals in general and low energy animals.

Might work for smaller or older pets, but doesn't work for my pup. Get one at https://amzn.to/2LFNgyw #DOGBARRIER

26 July 2018

KabelDirekt 4-Port USB charger

I have a lot of things that need USB ports for charging, like pretty much every other human on earth. Seriously, most of my devices plug in with USB to charge which means having a lot of chargers plugged in to charge more things at once. Having to plug in so many chargers at once takes up a lot of outlets and leads to having devices charing all over the house. So I'm always in the market for new multi-port USB chargers so that I can consolidate out charging to one localized area.

This charger is great, it has four ports and they all work fine. I've used multi-port chargers in the past that had defective ports so it's nice to see that this charger doesn't have that issue. It doesn't seem capable of doing "fast charging" for our cell phones (Samsung Galaxy S7 and S8), but it is able to charge them both simultaneously without them constantly losing the charger connection. Get your own USB charger at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07166TRMC

Lunch Box Containers

I send a lot of lunches out with my family. School lunches, work lunches, and even travel lunches for our many trips. So I'm always looking for new and interesting ways to transport those lunches. I like trying out different lunch containers to find the perfect one for each person and use. For example, my husband needs something insulated for his lunches to keep his food cold all day so it doesn't go bad. Zach needs something small and easy to carry, but not necessarily insulated as there are refridgerators in his classroom for food. For me and little Scotty, since we only need to pack lunches when we have appointments to go to, have varying needs for our lunch boxes. These little metal bowls are kind of great for when we go to appointments. There are three containers in different sizes, and we can make a simple group meal by putting the different courses in each bowl; vegetables in the big bowl, protein in the medium bowl, and extras in the small bowl.

Get your own set at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M8JU1WE.

23 July 2018

Holiday Greeting Cards from Presto Photo

Okay, so I have been trying to get everything together for a nice family photo for a while, and this holiday card campaign was the perfect motivation to just get it done. So we wrongled the kids, asked my mother in law to take the photos for us, and prepared for a long day of trying to get a nice shot. Having a baby and an autistic kid makes it a bit difficult to manage getting a family photo taken, but we finally got a nice shot that we agreed was good enough for our holiday cards. Last year we just sent out boring premade store bought cards, but this year we wanted something customized for us. I had never heard of Presto Photo before, but I was willing to give them a shot. We went with flat cards, though they also have folded cards. They also offer photo books, a variety of wall arts, photo prints of various sizes, calendars, photo mugs, and of course gift cards. So, much of what the more well known photo sites such as Shutterfly and Snapfish offer. I really liked the system they have for designing your products, I honestly think it's much easier than the systems on Shutterfly and Snapfish. My cards also shipped quickly and arrived at my home quickly, too, which is always a plus. I will be ordering more on this site in the future.

Create your own custom flat holiday cards at https://www.prestophoto.com/help/5x7+Flat+Greeting+Card. They also have folded cards.

RORAIMA Easy Setup Portable Compact Aluminum Camping Folding Table

Who does not need a portable table? Ever one can find a use for a table like this. It is light weight aluminum so it is not heavy and easy to pack around. It has a 120bl maximum weight limit. This thing easy to set up. When you get it it is stored nice in it's caring case. All you do is take out the bottom unfold it, lay the cross bars on top and snap them down, get the top unfold that and put it on by placing the caps on the under side over the ends of the cross bars and snap down the 2 side's. The storage spot under the table it easy to put on too, it has plastic hooks that hook onto the legs and velcro straps on the bottom corners. I do not go camping but I use this in the house when I need more table space for things and in the yard when I want to work on thing outside.. The bottom is a good cat cozy and it keep's Amy off the top of the table and out of my way and off my project's. She does not understand I do not need her help with thing's. It is also amazing at collecting the loose cat hair she love's to leave on ever thing. And since it is easy to take off I can just shake the hair out of it out side and put it back on. If you have any use for a portable table then I definitely recommend this one.  #campingtable  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077YZSZMV

Genuine Refillable Leather Journal

I really like journals, as anyone who reads my blog or subscribe to my Youtube channel knows. I like to have something with me to write down thoughts and ideas whenever they come up. So I was happy to try this journal. I really like this particular journal more than most others. Not only is it refillable, which is always nice, but it has a nice sort of worn, old school vintage look to it. Like something you'd find in the attic of your great grandparents home filled with scribbled notes from their childhood. I really love that rustic look this journal has! It's perfect for chronicling your daily adventures, travel adventures, or even just telling your stories. I really do love this journal. It also comes with a matching pen and a money clip, or maybe it's meant to be a page marker? I'm not sure, but it looks like a money clip to me. You can buy refills for this journal, which is a nice benefit. It really just looks like an adventurers journal, so maybe if you're into role playing games this would be a good journal to record your progress on your journey.

Get on of these for yourself at https://www.amazon.com/Genuine-Refillable-Leather-Journal-Bloggers/dp/B07C6KLRBM/ref=sr_1_1?m=A2VMDKUT3D8B4C&s=merchant-items&ie=UTF8&qid=1528674389&sr=1-1&keywords=leather+journal. #ANVILLAGEAR #leatherjournal

Microfiber Embroidery Bed Sheet Set

I was in the market for a new sheet set as my husband doesn't like the satin sheets I previously reviewed (link). I liked the satin sheets, personally, but hubby got annoyed with his pillow constantly escaping and sliding off the bed at night. So, I went ahead and bought this sheet set. It is a microfiber sheet set with a nice, simple design embroidered on it. I like the design, it is simple but pretty. The color is a nice light brown, a good neutral color. The sheets are good quality, no tearing or damaged seems, no pilling after multiple washes and regular use, no fading of color even when left out in the sun to dry. The sheets are quite soft and nice to sleep on, not scratchy or irritating at all. The sheet set is available in sizes twin, full, queen, king, and California king. I ordered the queen size because we have a queen bed. The fitted sheet fits pretty well, it doesn't have extremely deep pockets, but they are adequate enough to fit our mattress easily.

If you're in the market for a new sheeet set of your own, check this one out at https://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-cm-microfiber-embroidery-bed-sheet-set-with-pillowcase-3-or-4-piece

Pedicura Toe Separator

This weird looking little toe seperator is meant to keep your toes seperated to relieve bunion pain and smooshed toes. My toes are quite smooshed together most of the time, largerly due to my difficulty finding properly fitting shoes when I was younger. I have tried a few different styles of toe seperators/supports to keep my toes properly aligned. The constant smooshing of my toes as a kid led to an issue with bunions in my twenties, which increased my need to find a proper and helpful toe support to ease my pain. So, as I said, I have tried quite a few different types and none of them really provided me with any long term support. This toe seperator feels pretty awkward to wear and it does not align the toes properly, at least not for me. It made my toes fan out awkwardly and was somewhat uncomfortable. After wearing it for a while it gets better. It wasn't painful, but was awkward. It gave me the feeling that I had something like cotton balls wedged between my toes. I wouldn't use this long term, personally, but I can see how it would be beneficial to some people.

You can get your own at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CXZPNPP/ref=as_li_ss_tl?th=1&linkCode=sl1&tag=tm_toeseparator-20&linkId=97d20fce20d54f473eab7b05beb97813

Ayat Military Outdoor Paracord Survival Bracelet

I got a paracord survival bracelet. I have no reason why I got this I just did. I am not into the survivalist, or prepper thing so I have no use for this and it will probably just sit around until I find someone to give it too. There is not a whole lot to this bracelet. It is macrame paracord with a plastic clasp that is also a flint for starting a fire and it has a little compass on it. I do not know how well either of these work as I do not have another compass to test it against and it is fire season here right now is there is no way in hell I am going to test the flintstone out right now. Maybe later in the year when all the wheat has been harvested and things are a bit less flammable. The cord is 550lb test. I do not know how long it is I did not want to untie it to find out but I guess it must quite long. I may give this to my dad. He has got quite a collection of these things he has acquired from different places. Strange since he does nothing with them but show them to people. You can get your hands on one of these here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078HR62ZT

Freshware 15-Pack 1 Compartment Bento Lunch Boxes with Lids Review

You can never have too many storage bowl's, or that is what granny say's any way. This is a nice little set of fifteen containers. Good for keeping snack's, and small meal's in. Small enough that they are easy to pack around with you too. Also good for storing thing's that are not food, like the odd's and end's in the junk drawer so the it's not just rattling about when you open and close the drawer. Good for dog and cat food too if you are going some were and do not want to take a whole bag with you. According to the company that make's these they are dishwasher, microwave, and freezer safe. I can not say if they survive a dishwasher since I do not own one. I have not put one in the microwave yet ether. But I would imagine these will hold up in a microwave just as well as the other freshware food container's. I do know they survive the freezer good as I have froze several of them. I could use these to freeze some of the fresh berry's I just got the other day. I keep thinking I will make a pie but I keep eating all the berry's before I get around to it, and one of these would hold enough for a pie. These are great for storing home made dip's in too. #freshware Get your self a set of these here https://www.walmart.com/ip/Freshware-15-Pack-1-Compartment-Bento-Lunch-Boxes-Lids-Reusable-Microwave-Dishwasher-Freezer-Safe-Meal-Prep-Portion-Control-21-Day-Fix-Food-Storage-C/55063148

22 July 2018

Collagen Age Defense Supplement

So, during my younger years I never really bothered taking care of my skin beyond just the basic sunblock and occasionally moisturizer. I never worried about skin aging because I have never really cared that much about how I look or what people think of my appearance. That is also the reason why I don't wear make up. Recently, however, I have started trying to take care of my skin because it has become very dry and sensitive which is pretty unpleasant. So I have been trying to find the right products for my skin type and condition to keep it healthy and strong. When I applied to try this supplement I honestly thought that it would be a face cream style product, as the idea of taking a pill for your skin was not something I had considered before. Well, upon getting these pills my first step was to search the web for each ingredient as I am still breastfeeding and so I have to be careful what products I try. After not finding much information about the ingredients online beyond that they might be safe when applied topically but no information on oral use of the ingredients. My next step was to check with my doctor to see if she had any further safety information. My doctor did say that it is probably safe, but that she wouldn't personally use it until baby is weaned, especially since we are currently in the process of weaning. So I have not taken the supplements yet. However, I have looked into the science behind oral collagen for skin care. The research so far seems to show that after eight weeks of taking collagen biotin supplements the subjects showed improved skin hydration. So, after my baby boy is fully weaned I will start trying these pills and see what becomes of it.

If you're interested in trying this supplement speak with your physician first, and you can buy it at https://instanatural.com/products/collagen-age-defense-supplement.

FUTESJ Gooseneck Tablet Stand

Like most millenials, I use my phone as my primary camera for both photo and video. I was going to by a tripd clamp to hold my phone but then I broke my tripod so I started looking for phone tripods when I was offered the chance to test this weird little tablet holder/stand. It looked to be about the right size for clipping on to my cell phone, so I went ahead and got it. The first thing I noticed after taking it out of the box was how stiff and rigid the stand was. You have to work to get it to bend, which actually makes sense because you don't want it moving around while you're using it. The clamp that holds the phone/tablet holds really tight as well, and it actually stratched the edge of my phone when I used it without the case on my phone, so always keep the case on your device to protect it from damage. The clamp on the bottom for hooking the stand to a table simply screws down tight very easily. It opens up pretty wide and can clamp down on a variety of surfaces with ease. I have used it on my vacuum handle, a coffee table, an end table, a chair, a fence, and a few outdoor toys.

This product is so much better than a traditional tripod. It's a great product I recommend this to anyone who uses a phone or tablet for taking photos or videos. You can get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B077HM6LCR.

21 July 2018

INNX Quilted Microfiber/Suede sofa protector

I got this couch cover because the last one we got was too small for our couches and I wanted something to keep the couches clean. I also thought this would be pretty useful for preventing our couch from "eating" our belongings. You see, whenever someone sits on our couch the items they have on them tend to fall onto the couch and then be pulled by some mystical force down into the crevasses on the couch never to be seen again. At least, not until we pull out the couch and do our weekly under couch cleaning. Flashlights, remote controls, car keys, house keys, baby toys, tablets, and even clothes. The couch cover is nice and soft, however, it doesn't fit our couch all that well. It's just a little bit too short, maybe two-three inches shy of being long enough to reach from armrest to armrest, which is just fine for us as the back of the couch is our main target of ire. The part to cover the back of the couch isn't very long, but it does its job okay. The strap that comes with it to help keep it on the couch is basically useless in our experience. It doesn't hold the back piece on the couch and usually, it just breaks loose anyway. All in all, though, the cover does an adequate job of keeping our couch from eating all of our worldly possessions. Most of the time, anyway. We did once have an issue with the couch trying to eat the couch cover itself, but we were victorious in wresting the cover from the greedy jaws of our couch.
If you have a couch that eats your possessions, try getting one of these couch covers at https://www.amazon.com/INNX-Microfiber-Loveseat-Protector-Slipcover/dp/B01FPJDEP8/ref=lp_14696926011_1_2?srs=14696926011&ie=UTF8&qid=1467894161&sr=8-2

Reversible Oversized Bedspread Coverlet Quilt Set, Medallion

What's better then a fresh new blankly? Well nothing, I mean besides a winning lottery ticket that is. This is a good blanket it is made well and it is soft and not scratchy.The blanket is reversible so the pattern is the same on both side's. It is not a thick blanket it is quite thin, but warm non the less. You also get two matching pillow case's with the blanket. I do not use pillow's so they do not do me any good but I know most people like to have at least one pillow. This will make a good winter time blanket but it is a bit too warm for it at the current time of year. I mean really who would use any kind of blanket when it is 80 plus degrees out side. But I keep the case it came in so I can store it for now and it will not collect dust and pet hair until I am ready to use it. On the subject of pet hair I am surprised the cat did not come over to give her approval of this new cozy. I must have cot her napping this time. Good for me it make's putting it away a whole lot easier on me. If you own a cat you know how they are when you try to fold up a blanket they will take up residency on every bit that is in there reach. You can get one of these blankets here https://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-cm-reversible-oversized-bedspread-coverlet-quilt-set-medallion-3-piece

20 July 2018

Thank You Cards

I got these two sets of thank you cards because we sometimes have the need for sending out thank you cards, as most adults do, and they are all really expensive at the store. I will write a seperate paragraph for each set.

First we'll talk about this nice floral set:

These cards come as a set of twenty cards with brown envelopes and floral stickers. The images on these cards are nice, simple, and very pretty. The images are nicely balanced. I'm not really a fan of the font used, but it is really easy to read which is always a plus. Nothing worse than poor font or kerning selection on a card sending unintended messages to the recipients. The cardstock used is high quality and pretty sturdy. It's also easy to write on with a standard pen or pencil. The envelopes are thick and adequately big enough to fit the cards in with no trouble. The included stickers have good adhesive and stick well. If you like these floral thank you cars, you can get them at https://www.amazon.com/Floral-Thank-Cards-Envelopes-Folded/dp/B07D758PD5?pd_rd_wg=RD9hr&pd_rd_r=3e6e29a8-735b-42d0-a2c3-02a0590f4252&pd_rd_w=sG399&ref_=pd_gw_simh&pf_rd_r=NESC6WPMHBBBM5VBYYDE&pf_rd_p=b841581f-e864-5164-afa6-4c18a8348879.

Next, we'll talk about this set of assorted thank you cards:

There are six separate design in this set, as you can see. The designs feature flowers and feathers. My favorite design out of these is the one on the top right, though they are all pretty nice. THe fonts are okay, but not the best in my opinion. Some of the cards the font is nearly unreadable to me. The cardstock used for these cards isn't as good as the other cards. The envelopes included with this set are white and a bit small, they are larger than the cards but it is difficult to slide the cards in without damaging the edges of them. The stickers are nice quality and stick just fine. If you like this set you can get them at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C25WRSS.

Supershu UV Protection Cooling Arm Sleeves

I am a textbook example of a pasty white chick- I have pale skin coated in freckles and I sunburn if I even think about going outside during the daytime. So I always wear sunblock, but sometimes I find myself in situations where I am unable to reapply as often as necessary so I like to have UPF clothing to wear. Normally I have a thin, black UPF jacket that I wear to protect my arms, but during the warmer months, it is ridiculously uncomfortable to wear because of the heat. So these sleeves are a nice alternative. They manage to keep my arms cool while also keeping me safe from the harsh rays of the summer sun. So far while wearing these sleeves I haven't gotten any sunburns on my arms even when I don't put enough sunblock on or forget to reapply it as needed. They also do a great job at keeping my arms cool and comfortable even as the temperature climbs.

Get your own at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CTJVPRK.

Reversible Bedspread Set Ocean Star

I love the design on this new bedspread and pillowcase sham set. I like that the blanket is a nice, lightweight cover for use during the summer. I have not yet used the pillowcases as I have other pillowcases from my sheet set that are smoother and more comfortable. The pillowcases included with this set include the same design as the blanket, which just doesn't seem like it would be very comfortable on the face. The design is really nice, it has a cute little beachy theme to it. It is a nice lilac/lavender color. I wanted to get the dark red/burgundy set, but it was sold out. I actually managed to add the burgundy set to my cart, but when I went to my cart to check out it was gone from my cart. I tried to add it again only to see it was sold out. It has since gone back in stock, but I've already ordered two sets in lilac/lavender so I won't be getting the burgundy yet, but maybe sometime in the future. It took me a while to decide on a color after that as the light blue and the lavender were both very pretty, but in the end, I went with the lavender because I'm just not a fan of the color blue.

Get one at https://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-cm-reversible-oversized-bedspread-coverlet-quilt-set-ocean-star-3-piece-1

Sleeve Stars Knee Support Brace

When I received the item in the mail and opened it up I was pleasantly surprised to find that it didn't have any weird odors and was soft to the touch. I wore it a few times for short periods and it was okay but when I wore it yesterday to go to town I had terrible knee pain. I can't say for sure if the brace made the pain worse or not, but while wearing it I had worse knee pain than usual. I do know that the pain was eased considerably when I took the brace off. I tried wearing it a little again today and it was too uncomfortable. I find that any knee brace/sleeve U try that has a patella support hole does more harm than good for me, though it is the kind the doctor says I should use.

I do really like that it is adjustable, because most knee braces aren't so it may not fit properly in one area even if it does fit in another. This one is fully adjustable with three separate Velcro straps for each area. I doubt I'll be using this product ever again, though I may give it to my dad to use as he also has knee troubles. I think for people who prefer the patella support style knee braces this one would be a great choice. Get one at https://www.amazon.com/Sleeve-Stars-Compression-Stabilizer-Adjustable/dp/B072FG493K/ref=as_li_ss_tl?srs=15097715011&ie=UTF8&qid=1503482414&sr=8-3&linkCode=sl1&tag=tm_kneebrace-20&linkId=9ec36578789d3e47b7f690a41af35be8

Sphynx Travel & Portable Razor

As the name implies, the Sphynx is a portable travel razor with a built-in soap bar and a tiny spray bottle for lathering up. It looks like a little round pod similar to a slightly larger birth control pack. It is available in four different colors- pink, blue, black, and purple. There are two razor heads on it. It has four separate heads and rotates to allow you to use each part. The razors have only one blade each, so they are not the best for regular use, but they are okay for quick touch-ups. I would not recommend getting one of these razors as a regular, daily use razor but if you are a frequent traveler I think this would be a great investment. I also think this razor is ideal for use by people who live in RVs, campers, and tiny houses as it covers all your shaving supply needs in one tiny little pod.

If you need a portable razor of your own check this one out at https://amzn.to/2z90U8n

19 July 2018

SUV Seat Back Organizer

This seat organizer is a little bit too long for the Nissan Rogue, but otherwise, it does fit okay. It has straps that go around each headrest on the rear-most set of seats. This organizer is great for groceries that can be easily crushed such as soft fruits and vegetables, chips, or breads. It also works for things in glass containers as it helps keep the glass safe from breakage. Mostly, though, it is great for parents to store an emergency stash of diapers, wipes, extra clothes, toys, snacks, and other necessary supplies for traveling with children. Personally, I will be using my organizer for both groceries and children's supplies, though mostly for children's supplies. The organizer seems to be pretty sturdy and high quality. There are no tears, rips, or loose threads on the organizer anywhere that I have found. The mesh pouches on the organizer are surprisingly high quality. Most mesh is weak and tears easily, but these pouches are very sturdy and haven't shown any signs of breaking yet.

Get one for your SUV at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075MYCBJ3.

Titanium Herb Grinder

I grow my own herbs and decided I might as well get a grinder. This can be taken apart into 4 pieces and comes with a scraping tool. I have not had a chance to really try it out since I have not gotten all my herbs planted yet. But I plan to use this with all the herbs I grow since ground herbs are easier to store and use. The top of the grinder is magnetic so it is easy to take off and put back on. The rest is threaded so all you do is unscrew it. This is small so it is easy to store out of the way. I should have gotten it in a different color though as it is black and all of my table's are black and I have lost it three or four time's already.  I do try to keep it put away where it belong's because it is small and black and I have no trouble loosing sight of it. So if you are like me and loose thing easy you might want to go for a brighter color then I did. You can get one at https://www.groupon.com/deals/gg-cm-titanium-herb-grinder-medium-5-piece

Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine & Ginger

This pill is a capsule of turmeric and ginger. It is intended to be used as a "natural" alternative to NSAIDs. As to whether it actually does any good, I'm not sure. There is some preliminary evidence that Curcumin may help with inflammation, but not enough to throw out your NSAIDs quite yet. It is pretty much a harmless supplement, as long as you have no underlying health problems, because it is basically just a blend of common spices you probably have in your kitchen and use at least occasionally. It combines two delicious spices, ginger and the obvious-turmeric, which makes for a nice smell. I am very tempted to pop open one of these capsules and sprinkle it on some veggies and roast them. It would be so perfectly delicious! I really love turmeric, it is my favorite spice. I put it on everything. Well, almost everything. But, unfortunately, my husband doesn't like turmeric so I can't always use it in my cooking reguardless of the health benefits. So these capsules will be a good way for me to get my daily supply of turmeric.

Check them out at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=me%3DA1DVCIXIAWNITP&field-keywords=TURMERIC and always speak to your doctor before trying any supplements.


This is a cool little flexible firsbee. It flies pretty good and has the added bonus of doing a hilarious little "walk" down the roof when we accidentally threw it up there. It is not a very large frisbee but it is a lot of fun. It catches the wind pretty easily and flies a long way if there is a good, strong wind. It is really hard to get any distance when throuwing into the wind, though. It looks pretty flimsy, but it does hold up quite well. And because it is flexible and soft it doesn't hurt to bad if you accidentally try to catch it with your mouth. Or nose. Or eye... Perfect gift for kid's because we all know how they can be and with this frisbee they will not get any unwanted bumps and bruises. Not a good frisbee for dog's though, it would be very easily eaten by fido and I am not sure if it would fly well with hole's in it.

Get your own at http://www.disceez.com.

Bamboo Fiber Dish Towels

These dish "towels" are not towels. They are super small, more like wash cloths. They are pretty soft, which is always nice, but after a few washes they get a bit rougher. They look pretty worn down after just one wash as well, although they still seem to be pretty sturdy. The listing says they are supposed to be 9x7 inches but they simply aren't even close. They're super tiny as I said before. They're smaller even than any of our other washcloths.

These cloths don't work well as towels, not only due to their super small size, but also because they just aren't very absorbnet. They do work pretty good as wash cloths for doing diashes as well scrubbing children. I don't think I would buy any more of these becasue they really are just to small to be of much use to me, personally. But if you are interested in giving them a try you can get your own at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CKSYGHK.

950 Million in 40 Minutes: An Amazing Roller Coaster Biography of a Financial Mastermind

I do not usually read biographies, but I decided to give this one a try anyway. 950 Million in 40 Minutes goes through the ups and downs of life of Mr Meshulam Riklis as he strives to succeed and amass his fortunes. This guy clearly had some good business sense. After all, he became one of the richest people in the world. I will be honest though, I found the book to be quite boring. I really just do not care that much how some one I have never even heard of made his fortune. If the lives of the wealthy are some thing you are interested in then you may enjoy this book. You can get a copy here https://www.amazon.com/950-Million-40-Minutes-ebook/dp/B077M96ZR8

PIN JIAN Rubber Resistance Band Set

This is a nice resistance band set perfect for all your home strength training needs. It is also a great choice for anyone undergoing physical therapy who needs a set of resistance bands for doing their home exercises. My husband's physical therapist has sent home a few sets of the crappy "throw away" style resistance bands they usually send home with patients, but these are much better quality and they look nicer, so you can leave them hanging from your door when not in use. This set comes with five color-coded intensity bands, one door anchor, two hand grips, two foot/ankle straps, and a loop piece. It also has instructions that tell you which color band is what intensity and shows some basic exercises to try.

I've used these bands a bit for resistance training and they're okay, though they are definitely for the beginner set as the resistances aren't that high. My husband is the one who uses them the most for his home exercises from the physuical therapist. They work great for that purpose. The bands are super easy toe set up, just clip one or more on the anchor and you're good to go. Get your own at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01BUQLWUO. #PINJIAN

Exfoliating Foot Peel Mask

These foot peel masks are less mask and more sock, in my opinion. They are, surprisingly, painless. I honestly expected them to be unpleasant since they are designed to peel off skin but they weren't. So what you do is wash your feet then soak them for 15 minutes and dry. Then you cut open the foot peel sock masks and slide one foot into each bag of strongly scented lavender bubbles and pin them on with the "tapes" on each sock. The tapes did NOT hold for me so I used Coban to keep the socks actually on my feet. You then spend an hour with them on feeling like you're walking around in wet slushy shoes after stepping in a puddle before you get to take them off and rinse your feet. Then you wait. It takes five to seven days for peeling to begin according to the directions, though I noticed peeling after only three days. You can use the socks not more than once every 30 days.

So, as I said, the tapes to keep the socks on don't work well at all so make sure to be prepared with tape or Coban of your own. The peeling starts slowly before gradually ramping up in intensity and making your feet look pretty gross for a while. After the skin peels off, though, your feet will be super soft! I was surprised how soft my feet were after using these socks, though not in the callused areas. The socks don't seem to do any good on callused skin, so if you've spent your life going barefoot like I have and build up thick foot calluses these won't do you much good, but for everyone else they are a great product to get your feet soft and touchable (if you're into that sort of thing). Get some at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BJLM44Y