09 September 2018

INNX Sheet Fasteners

I don't have any need for sheet fasteners, but I knew by looking at these that they would work perfectly for the purpose I needed: holding my couch cover in place. We have a couch cover on our large couch because it has a terrible habit of "eating" things that get on the couch. But, the problem is, the couch cover doesn't like to stay in place very well. It slowly but surely slides down the back of the couch and gets wedged down in the couch. What a pain, right? The cover came with one strap to hold it on the couch, but that just wasn't enough. In fact, I had to add three to get the cover to stay on the couch and I think I may need to add a fourth clip to keep the couch cover completely in place, but that is okay because we still have an extra clip. They are really stretchy so they can be pulled a pretty long distance which is great and makes them even more versatile.

These straps are great for keeping the couch cover in place. Get them at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CG979T5

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