15 September 2018

Earth's Daughter Organic Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera has a lot of different uses. Most commonly it is used for treating burns, but it can also be used on other types of wounds, as a moisturizer, and apparently even as conditioner for your hair. That's a new one on me, but I suppose it is a valid possibility. I tend to use aloe vera to treat burns myself, not for any other uses, and since I get burns pretty often I figured this product would be a good investment for me. What is interesting to me is that the product I ordered does not match the product I received. The labeling/packaging is different and I didn't even notice this until I was preparing my video on the product so that is interesting. I'm not sure what happened there, I assume there was an error in the Amazon warehouse. But anyway, aloe is aloe, right? So I haven't used this product yet as I haven't had any need for it and had never considered useing aloe vera as moisturizer but I think I will try it out.

Aloe vera gel has many uses, including treating burns and moisturizing skin. Get this at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/146-2130622-2700413?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=organic+aloe+vera+gel&hidden-keywords=eq47rx

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