22 September 2018

LEA & KEN Men's Tie

I got this tie for Zachary to wear for picture day at school, though I'm sure I will find it to be useful in other situations. I think it would be adorable for Zachary to wear a tie and a nice shirt for his school pictures. Ties are an important part any man's (or boy's) wardrobe. Some women and girls also wear ties, I know I had to wear one when I was in flight school because it was part of the uniform. Side note, I look terrible in a tie. Anyway, back onto the subject: I got this tie for Zachary and I think it will be a perfect accessory to his picture day outfit. The tie is solid black, a perfect match for any outfit. It is a slim style, which is popular now though I think the wider ties look better for the most part but this slim tie looks good on Zachary with his nice shirt. This tie would also be great for anyone attending any kind of formal events, such as a wedding, funeral, dance, or other event where you want to look just a little more put together. It is also perfect for daily waer if you wear a suit for work.

This tie is great for formal events. Get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZZ4369V

19 September 2018

Fish Oil Supplement

Fish oil contains a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, which are an important part of a healthy diet. Fish is the best source of omega 3s, and fish oil is a great alternative for people who don't like fish. Fish oil supplements often have a nasty, fishy smell or taste to them, but these ones don't have any strong flavor or odor to them. These capsules are nice because they are mild in odor and flavor, but also because they are easy to swallow. The capsules are pretty good sized, not huge but pretty big, but they are really quite easy to swallow. They did not leave any kind of aftertaste in my mouth after I took them. I would recommend these fish oil supplements to anyone looking to boost their daily intake of omega 3 fatty acids.

Fish oil is a great source of omega 3s. Get them at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07FB31WGV #spoonfulcorp #fishoil #wellness #dailyessentials #healthyliving #salmonfishoil

15 September 2018

Earth's Daughter Organic Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera has a lot of different uses. Most commonly it is used for treating burns, but it can also be used on other types of wounds, as a moisturizer, and apparently even as conditioner for your hair. That's a new one on me, but I suppose it is a valid possibility. I tend to use aloe vera to treat burns myself, not for any other uses, and since I get burns pretty often I figured this product would be a good investment for me. What is interesting to me is that the product I ordered does not match the product I received. The labeling/packaging is different and I didn't even notice this until I was preparing my video on the product so that is interesting. I'm not sure what happened there, I assume there was an error in the Amazon warehouse. But anyway, aloe is aloe, right? So I haven't used this product yet as I haven't had any need for it and had never considered useing aloe vera as moisturizer but I think I will try it out.

Aloe vera gel has many uses, including treating burns and moisturizing skin. Get this at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1/146-2130622-2700413?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=organic+aloe+vera+gel&hidden-keywords=eq47rx

Superior Labs Magnesium Citrate Supplement

Magnesium citrate is commonly used to treat constipation. It's not a laxative, but it draws water into the intestines to help speed the digestive flow along. It works similar to Miralax. Now, with that out of the way, onto the product at hand. This product is marketed to help improve energy and boost bone and muscle health. I don't know how much truth there is to magnesium citrate improving energy, but I do know that having enough magnesium is an important part of maintaining healthy bones and muscles. This supplement, like many others, come in the form of powder inside of a gelatin capsule. The capsules are quite large but can be broken open if needed and the contents added to food or drink to make more palatable. The supplement doesn't have any foul odors, it has only a mild wheat like smell.

Magnesium citrate is good for bone and muscle health and can be used to treat constipation. Always consult your physician before using any supplement. Get this at https://superiorlabs.com/products/magnesium-citrate

#superiorlabs #superiorlabssupplements #magnesiumcitrate #magcitrate

14 September 2018

BB Medium Gym Duffle Bag

We do a lot of traveling in my family, usually for appointments and such, but occasionally we try to take trips just for fun. Granted, it rarely ends well but we like to try. Because we have two kids taking trips for fun can be difficult, and there is a lot of packing that must be done. We have little baby Scotty and all of his gear, which takes up a lot of space of course. And we have Zach and all of his gear, which takes up even more space. So we're always on the lookout for new bags to use for taking our gear and supplies with us on the go. This duffle bag is the perfect duffle bag for anyone who likes to have plenty of packing room but doesn't want a bunch of duffle bags cluttering up the house, because not only does this bag hold a lot of gear, it also folds up into a nice, compact little square that is easy to store out of the way and takes up very little space.

A great duffle bag for the gym or other uses. Available in three colors and two sizes. Get one at https://www.amazon.com/gym-bag/dp/B075ZV98DB/?ie=UTF8&sr=8-1&keywords=gym+bag

13 September 2018

Youphoria Microfiber Quick Dry Travel Towel

I got this towel because I thought it would be perfect for use washing the cars. It is a soft microfiber towel and it would work well for polishing a car. It dries quickly and is pretty small, so it is also an ideal towel for taking with you while traveling or going on camping trips. I think this towel will probably most get used, in my family that is, being taken on fishing and camping trips as it is small, light, and easy to pack and will quickly dry after being used. The towel has a weird texture to it that I don't like, but that is true of most microfiber items I have owned. It is soft, but it just feels a little weird to me and I don't like it touching my palms. That said, though, it is a good towel for many different uses. If you are in the market for a towel that dries quickly, you should check this one out. It would also be great for trips to the beach or river or any other swimming trip. The towel is small, so it is easy to pack and store, and it dries fast so it won't stink up your bag.

This towel is perfect for travel or camping. Get one at http://zonly.io/5zYUl

Cute Essentials Potato Ricer

My family loves mashed potatoes, but I really hate mashing potatoes. It's usually a very time consuming and often messy activity, so when I got the chance to try this Cute Essentials Potato Ricer I thought I might as well go for it. Worst case scenario, it would be exactly the same as the standard mashing of potatoes. This ricer is really easy to use, you just through cooked potatoes (or other soft fruits or vegetables) into the cup, close the device, and squeeze out little strands of potato that are super easy to whip into nice, fluffy mashed potatoes. You can also use this to squash lightly boiled potatoes into the rice-y strands and then use them to make hashbrowns, it works great for that and the result hashbrowns are easy to brown and taste great. I can't wait to try this ricer on other produce to see what I can squash and how well it squashes the different foods. I think it would make great fruit mush for babies.

This is a great way to mash potatoes and it's super easy to use! Get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B7CVY9F and get 20% off with code ricer20off

12 September 2018

Pet Safety Leads Car Vehicle Seat Belt Harness Review

I got these because my dog can not sit still in the car and I wanted an easy way to keep him in the middle of the back seat. He gets overly exited when he gets to go on a car ride and  he is always going from side to side barking at any thing that moves and scratching the windows and door panels. He can destroy door panels, scratch windows, and tear up upholstery in a very short time. He try's to get in the front seat all the time and will try to get in your lap to look out the drivers side window to bark at what ever may be out it and scratch up the window, the dash, and the interior. I needed some thing that would keep him in one spot in the middle of the seat. This is basically a leash that  clips into the seat belt latch and on to the dogs collar and these  are great, they are exactly what I needed for keeping him in one spot and he can still look out what ever window he wants to . It's adjustable so they work for dogs of all sizes  He can still scratch the upholstery but not near as bad has he could before, and now he can not get into the front seat. These are a good investment I should have bout sooner. You can get them here http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07D7N5PV3

10 September 2018

Squirt's Day at Home

I have two boys and I like to read with them so I'm always looking for new children's books to read to them. So when I was offered a copy of this book to read with my kiddos and review, I was happy to give it a try. This book is a cute little story, perfect for kids written by a kid. In the past, I have read other books written by kids that weren't very good, they had potential but were overzealous in trying to publish without taking time to properly edit. This book, though, is well written and edited. It is a good book and the illustrations are cute and perfectly suited to the style of the story. If your children are like mine, and absolutely adore all things "puppies" you should get them a copy of this adorable little book. It is also a great inspirational story if you read the "about the author" section to your children because it will show them that even children can publish books.

This is a cute children's book written by a kid. Check it out at http://www.brassringadmin.com/squirt

Carabiner Clips

Carabiner clips have a lot of different uses. Mostly we use ours to hold our keys, but I also sometimes use them to hold the back of my dresses and give them a halter top style look. I have also heard that some people use carabiner hooks to clip purses and bags to shopping carts when shopping. It's actually a great idea for keeping reusable shopping bags out of the way of your groceries and in easy access for check out time. These clips are not the kind to be used in mountain/rock climbing, though. They are made of metal, but they aren't designed to hold up the weight of people. They are effective for many other uses, though. Besides the things we use ours for you can also use them as tie downs or hooks around the house. We now have quite a few carabiner clips running around our house so I'm sure we will continue to find new uses for them.

These carabiner clips are great for many uses. Get them at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DSSXYY4

09 September 2018

Joyal Beauty Hydration Facial Mask

My skin is extremely dry and sensitive, which is just a horrible combination. I am always in search of new methods of moisturizing my skin without causing breakouts or rashes of any sort. So I decided to test out this face mask and see if it would help. This mask is clear when applied, which is very different from what I am used to. It feels a little weird on my skin when I put it on, but it didn't cause any kind of irritation at all, which was nice. My skin does seem to be less dry than it was before I started using this mask. And I love that it doesn't cause any kind of irritation of pain. It is a great product. I would recommend this product for anyone with dry skin, especially now that the weather is turning cooler and we'll soon be trapped indoors in the hot dry air.

A great product for moisturizing skin. Get it at https://www.amazon.com/Joyal-Beauty-Hyaluronic-Anti-aging-Hyaluronan/dp/B00L0088YE

INNX Sheet Fasteners

I don't have any need for sheet fasteners, but I knew by looking at these that they would work perfectly for the purpose I needed: holding my couch cover in place. We have a couch cover on our large couch because it has a terrible habit of "eating" things that get on the couch. But, the problem is, the couch cover doesn't like to stay in place very well. It slowly but surely slides down the back of the couch and gets wedged down in the couch. What a pain, right? The cover came with one strap to hold it on the couch, but that just wasn't enough. In fact, I had to add three to get the cover to stay on the couch and I think I may need to add a fourth clip to keep the couch cover completely in place, but that is okay because we still have an extra clip. They are really stretchy so they can be pulled a pretty long distance which is great and makes them even more versatile.

These straps are great for keeping the couch cover in place. Get them at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07CG979T5

Kllarmant T6 LED Flashlight

As I have mentioned before on this blog and elsewhere, we are constantly in need of new flashlights. I often lose flashlights or somehow damage them, usually by dropping them on concrete surfaces. So we are always in the market for new flashlights. I have actually tested out quite a few different style flashlights and I like this one the best. It has three settings-solid light, SOS, and emergency/panic. You can easily cycle through the settings by tapping lightly on the power button without shutting the flashlight off, which is nice. I also like the brightness of this flashlight, it is bright enough to light the area up just fine. It also has a narrow option for focusing in on specific small targets. All in all, it is an awesome flashlight. I prefer this flashlight over the standard flashlights I see in stores. I recommend this flashlight to anyone in the market flashlight.

This is a great multipurpose flashlight, nice and bright too. Get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06XKWY3LW

06 September 2018

Neutralyze Anti-acne Anti-aging Moisturizer

I actually got this product intending for Zach to use it. His skin has been breaking out quite a bit as he's gotten closer to those dreaded teenage years. Most acne fighting products aren't really safe for Zach because he doesn't close his eyes when washing his face and the soaps would burn his eyes. This product being a moisturizer makes it perfect for Zach to use. Of course, he doesn't put it on his face himself, but he does stand there and allow me to put it on his face, which is impressive because he usally resists having products put on his skin because he has sensory issues. His skin is much clearer now, and this moisturizer even seems to be helping with his blackheads! Of course, I had to try the product for myself as well, and I am pleased to say that it does not cause any irritation or breakouts on my skin unlike most anti-acne/anti-aging products I have used in the past. It also doesn't have any strong unpleasant odors. I think this product, and others from this brand, are simply great. I recommend Neutralyze brand and their products for anyone with acne.

This moisturizer is great for fighting #acne and #aging. Get it at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D5GQ7RD?&tag=m0143-20

04 September 2018

Vallaya Cocoon Facial Soap

When I was a teenager I had pretty bad acne, and it really sucked. My mother bought glycerin soap and swore that it would help clear my skin. It didn't, but I know that it can work for others. So I decided to try this soap out for Zach and see if it helps clear his skin. Zach has always preferred his soaps in bar format, so I thought this soap would be a good choice for him to watch his face. This soap bar has a very strong smell to it, and I would consider the smell to be more of a manly smell. It smells similar to men's deodorants. Zach uses the soap pretty consistently, and he has yet to try and eat/bite it, which is always nice. His skin has stayed pretty clear since he has started using this soap. It is a great soap for people with acne. I would recommend this soap for anyone with acne.

If you need a new facial cleanser this is a good one. Get it at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07B9VJ8LH

03 September 2018

Riwbox Bluetooth Headphones

I got these headphones mostly because I like the color. I really didn't have any idea how I would use them as I rarely wear headphones or headsets or really anything on my head because I don't like having things on my head. But I ordered this headset anyway and later I was quite glad that I did. You see, my husband is a truck driver and he needs to be able to make and receive calls while driving, and it is illegal to use handsets while driving where we live so he has to have a headset. He actually had a headset that was designed for truck drivers, but after getting hurt at work and being unable to return to work for more than five months his old headset no longer worked. Perhaps it was the months of not being charged or used that did it in, perhaps it was just a low quality headset, who knows. But, the death of his old headset meant he needed a new one to use at work. Well, one morning whil he was getting ready he pointed at this Riwbox headset and asked what was wrong with it. I told him there was nothing wrong with it, I simply hadn't figured out what I would do with it yet and he asked if it would work for him in the truck. I wasn't sure how well it would work for that, but he decided to give it a try and see if it worked. Because the mic is on the ear phone directly, we didn't expect much from this for use whil driving but we were pleasantly surprised to find that the audio on phone calls is very clear and easy to understand on both ends of the phone call. I wouldn't recommend this as a driving headest, however, because it completely covers the ears and blocks out ambient sounds, which is dangerous while driving. However, it is a good quality headset with a surprisingly good microphone on it. It would be a great headset for gamers or people just listening to music.

This headset is pretty and practical. You can get one at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D5SF6LN