28 June 2018

The Dog Gang Collection

I received a free copy of the ebook The Dog Gang Collection to review.

The Dog Gang collection contains four separate children's books. The stories are okay, and they have little lessons for the kids. The art style is good for a children's book. I was a little annoyed that the pictures don't always match up to the text though. The books are okay, but I'm not really a fan of them. I don't like when children's books or shows anthropomorphize animals because it increases the likelihood of children misinterpreting animals' signals and getting hurt. It is a pretty cute collection of stories, though. Just remember if you read books like this with your kids to teach them that this is not a realistic interpretation of animal behavior. My kids really liked the artwork, but they weren't too interested in the stories but that's fine. Not much else to say about this book collection. The artwork is cute and suited to the children's book genre, the stories are sweet and include good life lessons. It would be nice if every book in the collection had its own dedicated artwork instead of recycling the artwork into multiple books. Especially since the books are included in one set like this.

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