30 April 2018

Glandex Soft Chews

Buy them here: https://www.chewy.com/glandex-soft-chews-anal-gland-support/dp/118577

Having worked for a dog groomer, I learned more than I wanted to about anal glands. It was a messy job, but I learned a valuable lesson about nipping the scoot in the bud. So, while my pooch doesn't scoot often he has recently been scooting so I knew I needed to try something. Then I was presented with the opportunity to sample this product, perfect timing! Well, I can definitely say it worked for my dog and he seems to enjoy the taste, though he's never been a picky eater so that shouldn't be surprising. The chews are peanut butter flavored so I think most dogs would like it, because what dog doesn't eat peanut butter whenever presented with the opportunity? It's also important to note that Tippy only has minor issues with scooting/anal gland impaction so I can't vouch for how this product would work for a more severe case. If your dog has severe impaction you should consult your vet. You should also consult your vet prior to giving this or any other supplement to your dog.

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