02 April 2015

B is for Bigotry

Bigotry is alive and well. Most of the bigotry in the autism community comes from parents. It's not really surprising, though, and it isn't completely their fault. The problem is that we as a society have allowed Autism $peaks to control the national discourse on autism. A$ spreads a message of hatred, painting pictures of doom and gloom. There's a reason autistic people hate A$. Because A$ treats us like we aren't human, like we don't matter. They refuse to listen to us. A$ believes that if we can communicate clearly we don't count, and if we can't communicate clearly we don't matter. Supporting Autism $peaks to help autistic people is like supporting the Nazi party to help Jewish people. Don't do it. Listen to autistics because when it comes to autism, that's who should doing the talking.

This year, support Autism Acceptance. Don't LIUB, instead #WalkInRed!

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