16 July 2019

Vitamin C Facial Cleanser

I have very dry, very sensitive skin and as a result, I often break out in hives or rashes when trying new skincare products so I am always very cautious about what I put on my skin. I am also pretty new to skincare in general, so I am still in the process of determining which products are the right ones for my skin. So, based on the purported benefits of Vitamin C in facial skincare products, I decided I would give this product a try. So I have now been using this product for a few weeks now and while I have not noticed any significant change in my skin, it does work well for cleansing and more importantly, the cleanser does not leave my skin feeling dry, itchy, and tight after washing. The cleanser has a light scent to it that is reminiscent of potpourri. The smell is mild and not bothersome. I do like the product and will continue to use it.

This cleanser works and doesn't cause me skin irritation. Get it at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QZPBY58 #simplifiedskin #sponsored

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