05 December 2013

I am not articulate

People often tell me that I am very articulate. I don't agree with that. I struggle to find the words to convey what I am thinking and I have a pretty serious stutter. I struggle to communicate because of this. Spoken words end up mangled and confusing, written words just a jumble of incoherent thoughts. I am a great writer. I can spin amazing narratives, or so I've been told. But conveying my thoughts-with words, paper, or technology-is a never ending uphill battle. Some people find my struggles to communicate humorous. It's part of the reason I rarely post here. I type out massive walls of text, jumbled thoughts and emotions, then I just delete them. I get criticized for my jumbled thoughts and stuttering speech, which makes me not want to speak. Criticism is meant to silence us, but we must not be silent. Speaking out is important, even if our words may not come easily.

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