08 September 2020

Sinocare Blood Pressure Cuff

The Sinocare digital blood pressure cuff is an easy to use, affordable, and accurate home blood pressure monitor. It has a very loud voice with which it loudly and cheerfully instructs you on using the cuff and then after the reading is complete it anounces you systolic and diastolic pressures. It is so easy to use my three year old can do it! It also includes a display that shows you if your blood pressure numbers fall into the high or normal ranges.

This blood pressure cuff is accurate and easy to use. Get one at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0829SHMZW
#sinocareofficial #sinocare_inc #bloodpressuremonitor #upperarm #digital

06 September 2020

Thought Catapulter

The Thought Catapulter is an interesting little product which is supposeed to help the user with postitive affirmations and personal growth. It includes a cute little pouch in turquoise/blue or watermelon/pink, a little magnet, a set of "Abundance" themed affirmation cars, a set of blank affirmation cards for you to fill in yourself, an elastic band to tie the pouch to you if you don't have pockets, and instructions on how to use it to get the best results.

I don't believe in this kind of thing. I don't believe that a magnet and positive affirmations will bring anything to you. I do believe that positive thinking by itself helps net positive outcomes simply because it reduces stress and boosts overall health and mood, and that can lead to better outcomes in life.

So, do these work as intended? No, probably not. But there's no harm to using them and they may help boost your mood.

The Thought Catapulter is a tool designed to help you manifest positive thoughts and get good outcomes. It's a little woo-ish but not harmful. Get one at https://www.thought-catapulter.com