White House in a Gray City is the story of a boy who was sent by his overwhelmed mother to live in an orphanage in Pre-War Poland. The orphanage was the run by the famous Janusz Korczak (real name Henryk Goldszmit), a children's author and educator. The author of White House in a Gray City is Itzchak Belfer, who also has a children's book about his Janusz Korczak. This book is the story of Itzchak Belfer's life in pre-war Poland, including his time in the orphanage. The book follows the journey of Itzchak Belfer from his early days in an orphanage, through his travels to escape Nazi forces during the war, to his attempt to find his home. The story is full of sorrow and suffering but ends on a happier note. The book includes mention of the early days of the founding of the state of Israel, though it does seem to leave out or gloss over some of the more unpleasant facts of that era.
You can pick up a copy of White House in a Gray City at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078RJZWSN
You can pick up a copy of White House in a Gray City at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078RJZWSN