23 February 2014

What a week...

Last week was interesting. There was some good and some bad. It started off bad. My son got sick, just a cold, but for a while I was worried it might be something more. And at some point last week our sink sprung a leak and flooded the living room. It still hasn't dried and our carpet is moldy. On the bright side, the manager here actually fixes things within a reasonable time frame.

Then my sister got sued by our former home town. It's a retaliatory lawsuit in response to my father suing them. He's winning his lawsuit, so the city is suing my sister to try and force my dad to drop his suit. And to make it worse, my sister tried to get an attorney through legal aid and they refuse to help her and won't say why. Aren't small town politics great?

And I finally got the bill from my son's last doctor's appointment. It's almost $700 because it was a one hour visit plus lab work and vaccines. And, thanks to the ACA, our insurance won't cover his visits to his regular doc so I'm stuck paying it all myself. I also have a $600 electric bill due on the first, so that's fun.

In good news, he's getting a referral to a neurologist from the doctor who saw him at the hospital after his seizure. I thought I would have to argue with to get it, but I didn't. The doctor just put in the referral to the top rated pediatric neurologist in the state.

02 February 2014

Scariest day ever

Last Thursday, January 30th, my son had a seizure. It was the most terrifying moment of my life. He woke up later than usual but seemed fine. About an hour later he vomited a little. At 10 am he had a seizure. He then stopped breathing. We were able to get him breathing again in less than a minute. We (my sister and I) then wrapped my son in a blanket and set off looking for someone with a car to take us to the ER. You see, we don't have an ambulance here, and it's an hour wait for one to show up and then another hour to the hospital, so driving to the hospital is faster. Luckily, the first neighbor we asked gave us a ride. We made the one hour trip in about forty minutes, during which time I ran through every possible scenario in my head and most weren't good. By the time we reached the hospital my son was coming around a little bit. He had been out for over an hour at this point and had a second seizure while we were driving.

At the hospital he drifted back out. They did a CT scan, lumbar puncture, chest x-ray, and blood tests. All came back normal. My son had two seizures in one day, and everything was fine. He was lying there, drifting in and out of consciousness but nothing was wrong. He didn't completely regain consciousness until 11pm. But nothing was wrong on any of the tests. He didn't get an MRI because the hospital we went to doesn't have an MRI machine. He will be getting an MRI, but we have to wait three weeks for him to see his doctor and get a referral. In the meantime, I am terrified every second of every day.

To make matters worse, there are some people (his father among them) who don't believe he had a seizure. Some people (none of whom were present during the seizures) think he was just "shivering" after vomiting. He wasn't. There's a huge difference between shivering and seizing. I know the difference.